Call of duty warzone mobile now live

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Call of duty fans can now download call of duty warzone mobile for iOS and Android , from the app store and play store now.

After a long waiting period gamers can now play warzone on their smartphones, people who pre-registered the game on play store the game will be automatically installed after installation additional files need to be downloaded separately which will take around 5-10 GB please make sure you have enough data if you are using mobile data .

Some people have started streaming the game online and are not happy with the game as it sometimes lags and graphics are also not that impressive , I think it will need an update to solve the issues as it is in initial stage , as the pc game was so good people are aspecting the mobile at least some good but the game seems to be in initial stage.

Stay tuned for further updates on our website.

Thank you.

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Warzone gameplay

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